Posted By KKPoker | 2023-08-14

      WALL OF FAME: 7 - 13 AUG

      See how these KKPoker players earned their victories! Battle in KKPoker's premier weekend tournaments to see your name on the Wall of Fame! 




      $20K GLORY WARM-UP




      面白い猿’ battled through a 438-player field to win a bankroll boosting $8,474!

      The $100 buy-in $50K GLORY CLASSIC was played out in standard NLH tournament format with no PKO element.

      KING♤’ was eliminated in 5th place after they moved all in from Under-the-Gun for 9 BB with K♦ Q♠ and was called by A♣ Q♥, with the board forming 3♥ 8♥ 7♠ 5♠ 9♠.

      In 4th place was ‘Npoker’ after a tough river call…

      With blinds at 60K/120K, ‘Npoker’ raised to 264K on the Button holding A♥ J♣ and received a call in the Big Blind from ‘ 面白い猿' holding 10♣ 8♥. The flop fell A♠ Q♦ 10♠, and both players checked to see the 8♠ turn. ‘面白い猿’ bet 432K with two pair, and ‘Npoker’ called. On the 7♦ river, and with 1.5M in the pot, 面白い猿 moved all in for 3.8M.

      ‘Npoker’ had 2.5M behind and thought for a long time with top pair before they called and saw their elimination confirmed.

      The next big confrontation occurred when ‘kazu999’ raised to 400K on the Button holding K♥ Q♦, and ‘面白い猿’ defended their Big Blind with K♦ 2♦. The flop fell 8♥ 8♦ 2♦ and the action checked through to the A♦ turn. Now with the flush, ‘ 面白い猿’ checked, ‘kazu999’ bet 320K and ‘ 面白い猿’ raised to 960K.

      ‘kazu999’ called, and the 9♦ on the river gave them a lower flush. With 2.9M in the pot, ‘ 面白い猿’ moved all in for 7.2M and ‘kazu999’ quickly called and saw the bad news.

      ‘ 面白い猿’ held a 13.8M chip stack at the start of heads-up play, with ‘Rony’ their opponent on 3.2M

      ‘Rony’ battled back and bring the stacks almost level after several small pot victories, but ‘面白い猿’ was to hold their nerve...

      On the final hand, ‘面白い猿’ moved all in for 14.7M with Q♠ J♦ and ‘Rony’ called for their last 7 BB with J♣ 8♠.

      The board ran out 3♥ 2♣ 2♦ 10♣ 9♣, and ‘面白い猿’ was declared a GLORY champion!

      Ranking Nickname Prize
      1  面白い猿 $8,475
      2 Rony $5,930
      3 kazu 999 $4,541
      4 Npoker $3,179
      5 KING♤ $2,519
      6 アウツ $2,148
      7 伊藤万理華 $1,719
      8 quae errores $1,296
      9  コカコーラ $954


      The field of 123 players had been whittled down to the final three when ‘kerry’ moved all in from the Small Blind for their final 6 BB with K♠ 10♥.

      They were in a strong position to double up after being called by Q♥ 10♠, and improved to top pair on the K♥ 5♣ 2♥ flop. The A♣ on the turn kept ‘kerry’ in suspense, but when the J♥ appeared on the river, their strong position had disappeared, and they were eliminated in third place for $3,564.

      Heads-up was a short affair with ‘kk616996’ holding a 2/1 lead over ‘Dino.’ and securing victory in just 7 hands!

      With blinds at 30K/60K, ‘kk616996’ raised to 120K with A♣ 10♦, and then called a 20BB all in from ‘Dino.’ who held 8♠ 8♣.

      ‘kk616996’ took control of the flip on the A♠ Q♣ J♦ flop and kept their lead on the Q♥ turn. The 3♣ river ended the action and ‘kk616996’ banked $7,663 and the title!

      Want to win a HIGH ROLLER title at KKPoker? The $200 buy-in tournament runs every Saturday at 07:00 GMT, and you can even qualify for less via the satellites!

      Ranking Nickname Prize Bounty Total
      1 kk616996 $3,396 $4,267 $7,663
      2 Dino. $3,396 $135 $3,531
      3 kerry $2,082 $1,482 $3,564
      4 🔸プーさん🔸 $1,530 $591 $2,120
      5 kk241113 $1,136 $619 $1,754
      6 kk638343 $854 $439 $1,293
      7 kk451412 $653 $518 $1,170
      8 mihooooo $509 $203 $712
      9 OWAKEN $407 $383 $789

      $20K GLORY WARM-UP

      HIGH ROLLER 3rd-place finisher ‘kerry’ got revenge for their bad beat by securing victory in the GLORY WARM-UP on Sunday, 13 August for a $5,695 prize.

      Exactly 200 unique entries took their seat at the KKPoker tournament tables, and last week’s HIGH ROLLER runner-up ‘ReBuy兵長’ took 3rd place.

      ‘ReBuy兵長’ shoved from the Small Blind for 10BB with K♠ 9♦ and saw ‘kerry’ call holding A♥ Q♦, with the board running out A♦ K♦ 2♦ 8♠ 2♣.

      kk626372’ held the heads-up lead with 4.6M against 2.6M, but ‘kerry’ bought the stacks level in the first battle between the pair.

      Wth blinds at 40K/80K, ‘kerry’ raised to 200K holding K♦ 8♦ and ‘kk626372’ called with 9♥ 6♥.

      Both players checked on the 10♠ J♠ 4♥ flop and ‘kerry’ checked again on the 8♥ turn before calling a 301K bet. ‘kk626372’ bluff-bet for 644K on the 2♠ river, and ‘kerry’ bravely called to win the pot with third pair.

      ‘kk626372’ battled back to lead again, but Pocket Aces were about to help ‘kerry’.

      ‘kerry’ raised to 176K with A♥ A♠ and was called by K♣ 2♣. ‘kerry’ then had a 150K bet called on the Q♠ J♣ J♠ flop, with the K♦ hitting on the turn.

      Both players checked and improved to a full house on the J♥ river. ‘kk626372’ bet 400K into the 626K pot, and ‘kerry’ shoved for 2.5M and received the call to win a massive pot.

      In the final hand, ‘kerry’ raised to 160K with Q♦ Q♥ and ‘kk626372’ defended their Big Blind with 5♣ 3♥.

      The action checked through on the 6♠ 8♦ 7♥ flop to reveal a 6♥ turn. ‘kk626372’ check-raised a 250K bet to a 1.5M shove, and ‘kerry’ called with two pair.

      The J♠ river was no help to ‘kk626372’ and ‘kerry’ finally took the victory!

      Ranking Nickname Prize Bounty Total
      1 kerry $2,697 $2,998 $5,695
      2 kk626372 $2,695 $1,688 $4,383
      3 ReBuy兵長 $1,653 $270 $1,923
      4 gigidyphilly $1,214 $222 $1,437
      5 ちょここ33 $901 $163 $1,065
      6 SCE$AAR $678 $705 $1,383
      7 ゆきへんで $518 $0 $518
      8 M(改) $404 $23 $427
      9 BiT_GambleR💱 $323 $309 $632



      Ready to become a KKPoker tournament champion?

      KKPoker has tournaments for everyone! From Freerolls to High Rollers, whatever poker battle you are looking for! Take a look at the upcoming MTT schedule here

      Looking for Cash Games? KKPoker offers NLH, PLO, AOF, OFC and more! Try the brand-new BOMBPOT, where pots get boosted automatically! 





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